My Upcoming Mission Trip

Elizabeth’s New York City, NY Trip

May 21, 2024 to May 25, 2024  |  New York City, NY
Mission partner we'll be serving: City Relief
I am so excited to be serving with Grace Church and City Relief on a short-term mission trip to New York City from May 21-25. City Relief is a mobile outreach program that offers people experiencing poverty and homelessness hot meals, supplies, and connections to resources for housing, employment, and health care. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this young adult team as we serve together for four days of street outreach. I will appreciate any and all help that you are able to give. First, will you pray for this mission trip? Please pray for my team and I as we travel to New York City and for our time serving on the streets. Please also pray for the people we meet that they may feel loved, honored, and cherished by us and God. And will you also please join my giving team? The trip requires financial support for our flights, housing, and meals. Please partner with me by giving your financial support for this opportunity. All gifts are tax-deductible, and any amount is greatly appreciated. I really appreciate all of your support as I embark on this trip. City Relief is an amazing organization, and I am excited to be God's hands and feet in New York City. Thank you, Ellie Jones

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