Parenting Giving Back as a Family


What’ your family’s DNA?

DNA is the genetic material that we pass onto our biological children. We don’t have control over what DNA is passed on. However, there is another kind of DNA. It’s a non-genetic type that defines the character of your family. The beautiful thing about your family DNA is that you, as parents, can decide what you want to pass on to your kids. You can decide what qualities, values, and characteristics will make up your family’s DNA.  

Let me introduce you to a family that has made serving part of their family’s DNA. Serving is part of who they are. Meet the Bicknell’s. Stu and Ann Marie Bicknell have been attending Grace Church for 9 years. They have three awesome children, Drew - 14 years old, Grace – 12 years old, and Adeline – 10 years old. The Bicknell’s have been part of the Fishers Campus family since it began. When the Fishers Campus starting meeting for services in Fall Creek Junior High, the Bicknell’s were “All In” serving in Grace Kids as a family. Ann Marie, Drew, Grace, and Adeline serve every week in the Little One’s Way rooms. Stu serves in Fuse as a small group leader, as well as serving once a month on the Grace Kids Safety Team. They also helped with tear down after services to pack our things away and load them on the trailers when we were a portable church.  

Serving is important to Ann Marie and Stu and they want it to be important to their children. They have intentionally modeled this value of serving to their kids, showing them what it means to be a part of a church community. It is the foundation of their family’s DNA. So every week the Bicknell’s serve at the Fishers Campus. The result is that their children are developing hearts to serve. They are growing in their confidence that they can contribute and be a vital part of our church family. They can give back. They can make a difference in someone else’s life. They are not just along for the ride while their parent’s serve - they are full participants in kingdom work. When I asked the kids what was their favorite thing about serving in Grace Kids, the response was unanimous: Their favorite thing was just being with the little kids.  

Have you ever thought of what your family’s DNA should look like? How do you want your family to be defined? Is your family’s DNA branded by things that are important to God – generosity, loving others, serving, participating in healing of the six broken places, etc.? I encourage you to sit down with your family and identify what is important. Write it down, make a poster, hang it on your fridge; but whatever you do, most importantly, do it together.

If you want to get started, simply contact me and we will get you plugged in!

I want to serve!


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