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One Community for One Purpose

Grace Students is our ministry to students in 6th through 12th grade with the mission to help students take one step closer to Jesus. Fuse is for middle school (6th - 8th), and Merge is for high school (9th - 12th).

Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m., Grace Student Ministries come together for a unified time of fun games, intentional worship, a Bible-based message and grade-based small group. Programming for Middle School students ends at 7:30 p.m., but middle schoolers can hang out until 8:00. High School programming ends at 8:00 p.m.

We would love for your student to join us, and even bring a friend. You can let us know you're coming or simply show up - we'll be ready!

Have questions before you attend? Let us know! 

Questions? Contact Us


Middle School

6th - 8th grade

  • May 4: Baptisms @ 9:15 AM
  • May 4: Baptisms @ 11:00 AM

High School

9th - 12th grade

  • May 4: Baptisms @ 9:15 AM
  • May 4: Baptisms @ 11:00 AM

Grace Students Calendar

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Student Small GroupsGet connected

We value students having a blast, worshiping God, and connecting with one another in small group experiences where students can have fun and learn from friends and adult leaders about what it means to follow Christ. 

Get Connected to a Small Group

Grace Students Merch Store

Student Resources & FAQs

Middle school & high school ministries are currently meeting during their regularly scheduled times. However, if you're unable to join us... that's ok! Here are some resources to stay connected.

LIFT MinistryDisability Ministry for Students

Our expert staff and volunteers partner with parents to deliver a customized experience for students to experience God, have fun in community, and meet their needs. LIFT is offered Sunday mornings during service at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m.

Learn More


Get Connected

Have questions about Grace Students? We'd love to chat!



Leader Resources