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Disability Ministry

Serving Children & Students with Disabilities Welcome to LIFT!

LIFT (Loving Individuals and Families Together) is the disability ministry at Grace Church. Our expert staff and volunteers partner with parents to deliver a customized experience for children and students to experience God, have fun in community, and meet their needs.

LIFT for students and kids is offered Sunday mornings during service (9:15 & 11:00 a.m.).

RSVP for this Sunday

We Can't Wait to Meet YouNew to LIFT?

If you'll be joining us for the first time, please take a moment to preregister your family so we can do everything possible to prepare an incredible experience for you and your family.

1.Pre-register 2.RSVP for this Sunday

Self-Contained Rooms

Each LIFT service includes worship, plus large group Bible teaching using dramas, video elements, games and other interactive activities. Our self-contained room might be right for your child if they:

  • Are in a self-contained classroom at school or attend a private ABA program 
  • Do better in a smaller more intentional setting 
  • Are more of a visual/interactive learner 
  • Have difficulty sitting through an hour of Bible discussion 
  • Have difficulty with transitions

Buddy Program

Buddies are high school or adult volunteers who love and assist students in the typical age appropriate room or small groups. A buddy might be right for your child if they:

  • Have an aide at school or mainstream majority of their school day 
  • Need to take frequent breaks 
  • Need extra help with socially appropriate behaviors 
  • Have physical limitations where a buddy would help provide safety

Moms Support Group

Join other women on the second Wednesday of each month for food, fellowship and community. We will talk together, pray together and share information about what it looks like to parent a child (young or old) with a disability. 

This meeting will take place in our LIFT Adult room (E125) from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Registration is encouraged but not required to attend. Please contact Laura Mitchell with questions.




Volunteer with LIFT

Love and serve families with children and students with disabilities. 

Learn More