Aging, Money & Finances, Grief Grief & Bereavement Help


We’ve been caring for my aging parents over the last several years, and a few weeks ago, we had the worst scare of our lives: my father had a heart attack. We didn’t think he was going to make it, but miracle of miracles, he pulled through, and our family is so grateful.
One of many revelations I had was a surprising one - that I was grateful that my family had taken time to do some planning. Both my father and mother have always been very good about updating their wills and other documents, and we even have funeral arrangements prepared for when that horrible time comes (this was my parents’ idea - I didn’t like it at first, but now, I’m really glad they’ve taken this step).
Anyway, the reason I’m sharing all of this is that having tough conversations ahead of time really, truly can make the grieving process easier. I hope you’ll consider sharing a few pieces of information on your site that shed light on how we can be prepared - I find these most helpful and thought you might too:
Should I get life or funeral insurance?
Financing a funeral: All options have pluses, minuses
Paying for a Disabled Dependent’s Funeral: 3 Supportive Resources
Legal Planning for Dementia and Alzheimer’s: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Their Families
12 financial planning documents to handle health, end-of-life care
End of Life Options for Care and Choice
4 Questions for End of Life Preparation
I truly hope these help anyone who sees it. These types of decisions are painful, but they really can bring unexpected comfort when we’re grieving. I appreciate your time and your compassion for those dealing with loss!


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