Care Center Holy Spirit, You Are At Work


Today I had the opportunity to hug beautiful Aleda. I have had the pleasure of getting to know a family from Mexico. First by helping teach English to three out of seven of their children when I worked as an ESL teaching assistant and then continued the relationship with the family in our Care Center.

About three years ago, Aleda's mom asked me to pray for her oldest daughter who was still in Mexico. I didn't know there was an eighth child. Many times families will leave children with relatives in Mexico as they work to raise money to bring them to live here with them. Mom shared that her daughter had attempted to come to the United States three times starting at age 15 (she's 18 now) and had been detained (put in jail) each time. My heart broke for this mom and I told her I would commit to pray for her daughter to be able to join her family here in the U.S. This family attended our church service for the first time today. When I assisted them to their seats, mom introduced me to Aleda. She said, ""Mrs. Abell this is my daughter that I asked you to pray for."" (They call me Mrs. Abell from my teaching days.)

My heart is FULL. Holy Spirit you are at work!  

If you have a story to share, please send it to [email protected] along with a photo so we can post it!


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