Partners & Outreach Many Parts, One Body


Our recent trip to Guatemala was my first mission trip, and since our return to the states I have spent a lot of time trying to compose my thoughts as I have been asked questions about what it was like, was it fun, and what was my favorite moment. It could be easy to rattle off numbers served, or activities performed by the team, such as holding health and vision clinics over 4 days, serving 350 people, or building houses for partner ministries, but that wouldn’t be enough. I could talk of the beauty of the countryside, of the bumpy bus rides, or the noise and rain on the market day, but that would fall short as well. This trip was much more than activities and numbers, or sights and sounds, it was an opportunity to see words from the Bible come to life.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7 says. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” Verse 18 adds, “But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it.”
Over our week in Chichicastenango, I got to see these words come to life as our team of 32, traveling from Indiana, joined with local ministries in Guatemala. As the photographer for the trip I was in a unique position, getting to move around and watch as all the different parts of the body, from the medical and vision team, to the folks working in triage and the pharmacy, to the people performing and playing with the children, to the workers doing construction, and the interpreters bridging the language gaps, served together, with each person placed exactly where God needed and wanted them. I got to witness kids as young as ten up to adults like myself that are, well, much older than ten, working side by side to honor God. I got to witness believers with different nationalities, languages, educations, and economic situations all give Him glory as they ministered to others as brothers and sisters. I got to speak to the local pastors and teachers and hear them share of their love and hope for their communities.
Back home it is easy to wrap ourselves in comfort and our possessions and ignore or overlook the sick, the suffering and the lost. It is easy to follow our society and become self-absorbed, self-reliant, and as a result sick, suffering and lost ourselves. This trip has reinforced my desire to look outward to see where I may serve and help and use the gifts I have been given, not in isolation, but as part of one body where He has called me.

Where is God calling you?

To learn more details about our trip to Guatemala and other Grace trips CLICK HERE.


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