Community, Grace Church Values More Than a Ministry: Finding A Home in LIFT

By Laura Arrington

Have you ever found yourself volunteering and stumbling into a place that feels just like home? That's exactly what happened to Laura Arrington when she joined LIFT almost 10 years ago. "I have served in LIFT for close to 10 years. I didn’t always know it was a fit for me, but as corny as it may sound, I found a home in LIFT."

Laura's volunteering journey kicked off with her wanting to pitch in where there was a high need. But, by surprise - it turned into so much more. "Originally, I signed up because it was a ministry area of high need, but it quickly evolved into so much more." For Laura, volunteering wasn't just about checking off a to-do list. It became a way to make real connections. "I’ve made friends while serving, I’ve connected with parents and supported and prayed with them." The relationships formed during these volunteer sessions go beyond the surface, creating a community of like-minded individuals who share a common purpose.

One of the best things about volunteering? The memories that stick with you. For Laura, it was a BBQ and games day on Grace’s back lawn with the Janus crew. "I guess I really didn’t know what to expect, but we had a BLAST!" The laughter, cheers, and camaraderie during that day highlighted the unexpected joys that come from giving your time to others. Janus is committed to fostering the active engagement and meaningful contributions of individuals with disabilities in the community. Recognized as the preferred partner for both individuals and their families, we offer opportunities for education, employment training, and independent living, promoting confidence and a sense of achievement.

The cool thing about LIFT? Anyone can join in. According to Laura, "The most important thing I’ve learned is that their ministry is for anyone who loves kids and students. You don’t need a degree or special training. Just show up and love on whoever is there." This breaks down barriers, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together for a shared purpose - no special qualifications required.

"Personally, I serve because I have a heart for the parents. I LOVE telling them to enjoy the service while we can play and have fun and learn about Jesus in LIFT." It's not just about the kids; it's about creating a space for parents to catch a breather too. Over the years, Laura has experienced continuous personal growth through her involvement with LIFT. "God is always leading the way," she reflects, emphasizing the guiding force that has shaped her volunteer journey. The surprises, challenges, and victories have all contributed to her development, showcasing the ongoing evolution that occurs when one commits to a cause larger than themselves.

Laura's story at LIFT is a testament to the unexpected joys of volunteering and the sense of belonging that can be found in volunteering. It's not just about the service; it's about finding a home where you least expect it. As Laura puts it, "God is always leading the way," turning a simple act of service into a decade-long adventure filled with fun, connections, and a whole lot of heart. In the heart of LIFT's mission, Laura found not just a volunteering opportunity but a home that has enriched her life in ways he never imagined.


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