Identity & Purpose The Power of Serving with Love and Joy

By Leah McClain

I serve to honor God. I serve to encourage others. I serve to connect others to Christ. I serve because I feel God’s tug on my heart to do so. I serve because it feels FANTASTIC and brings me so much joy!

Ten years ago during a Women’s Bible study kickoff at Grace, we had the opportunity to break into smaller groups at various areas in the sanctuary. Corrine Gunter was leading the group that I chose to join that night titled, “How to Identify Your Spiritual Gifts.” She encouraged each of us to think about what might come naturally to us and to remember things we loved doing as a child. Corrine told us that we might not even recognize something we love as a spiritual gift.

During that exercise, I thought of my lifetime love of words- whether reading, writing, or editing. My Mother taught me to read at a young age and I would read everything I could find. A trip to the public library was better than Christmas morning for me! I would soon find that I loved writing short stories just as much –something I’ve been doing throughout my life as a hobby.

Prior to the Spiritual Gifts mini session, I had never thought about what I loved so much as being a spiritual gift. I remember thinking, “That’s great but how could God use my gift to serve Him?” I wish that I could tell you that I fervently pursued how God could use me, but because I didn’t immediately see a place to serve in that way, I just went about my life as usual.

One morning at church, about a year later, I was having a conversation with another member who said she was looking for writers for the church blog. She wanted someone to write short devotionals that could speak to everyone – Christ followers or not. I hadn’t realized that a blog even existed, but I said that I was willing to give it a try and I’ve been doing my best to communicate God’s Word and love ever since. Being able to serve in this way brings me absolute joy! I always pray before I start to write; I pray that my words honor Jesus and encourage someone. I pray that my words point even one person to Him.

I’d like to encourage anyone reading this to look for ways that you can serve in the areas that mean something to you. Although serving is not about us, it needs to start with us. When we take a step to serve, we discover God’s purpose for us in this world. I think that God just wants us to have a willing heart. Serving is time well spent.

1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s grace.


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