Leadership & Staff

Maron Gaffron Pastor - Prayer & Care

 (317) 818-4833 ext.281
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The call of a pastor is like the call of a shepherd. That’s a churchy way of saying that a pastor is called to care for people. I care deeply for the congregation of Grace Church. As a pastor, I am committed to helping to equip and empower this church body.

A lifestyle of prayer and worship is central to bringing the healing power of Jesus to the 6 broken places. When we pray and we worship, we encounter His presence. Where His presence is, there is fullness of joy. That joy - the joy of the Lord - IS our very strength! It is how we will be able to serve in His kingdom with endurance, and bring the life changing power of God’s everlasting love to the broken world around us.

I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve, equip, and care for the congregation of Grace Church.