Leadership & Staff

Tyler Bender Pastor - Integration

 (317) 818-4833 ext.291
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I've attended Grace Church since 1997. Being called a pastor is something that I only accept in obedience! It's not the narrative I care most for. I am not the story. This story and my role can only be about Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can initiate this being my call and vocation.

I care deeply about people feeling known by their church and by God and being communicated with accordingly. Sharing Jesus Christ with people through communication and access is a privilege I do not take lightly and hold very preciously. But I am ordinary. The work we get to do is ordinary. The only reason our contribution to the movement of Grace is extraordinary is because we are joining with Jesus in it. And that is so extraordinary!

I am excited and humbled to partner with and serve the people of Grace Church in this next season!