Baptism Devotional Day 6: I've Now Been Baptized. What's Next?

Big Idea: Following Jesus isn’t easy, but it is simple.

Begin by reading
Galatians 5:22-25

Baptism is a public symbol of our decision to trust and follow Jesus. In a moment, it showed what Jesus did for us, and now we get to see how that plays out in every part of our lives.

Your number one goal from this point forward is to listen to Jesus and do what He says. It’s nothing fancy or really complicated, but it’s the best way to move forward.

Reading the Bible, getting involved in church, and surrounding ourselves with a group of people who also follow Jesus makes a real difference in achieving this goal.

It’s a spiritual impossibility to follow Jesus and remain the same. As we listen to Him and do what He says, we will see how it’s true that growing people change. The changes aren’t from our own ideas or strength, but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit—that’s the spirit of God living inside us. He’s the one who gives us the power to love and forgive others, to grow in faith, and to say no to sin and yes to Jesus. These kind of qualities will continue to show up more and more in our lives as we seek Jesus.

The truth is we won’t have all the answers automatically. Our lives won’t instantaneously be cleaned up and easy, but that’s not the point—a relationship with Jesus is the point. Our public step in baptism is just the beginning of the changes God will bring us through.


What’s one way you can remind yourself to listen to Jesus and do what He says every day?

< Day 5 Day 7 >

*Article courtesy of the incredible, Kingdom-minded generosity of NewSpring Church. Copyright 2021 NewSpring Church.


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