Baptism Devotional Day 1: Does Being Baptized Mean My Problems Are All Gone?

Big Idea: Our problems aren’t automatically fixed, but God promises to be with us and help us through them.

Begin by reading
Colossians 2:6-7

The short answer is “no,” but the real answer is even better.

You made a public statement of your faith when you were baptized, and now you get to walk with Jesus as a continued daily “yes,” affirming to God, yourself, and those around you that you have been made new. The difference now is that you aren’t trying to build up yourself; you’re built up by Jesus.

Just as you said “yes” to Jesus, now you get to keep saying yes to Him. No matter what happens, we can have peace in Jesus: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). The Bible promises that the same God who saved you is the God who sustains and rescues you (Isaiah 46:4).

Be overflowing with gratitude at this bold next step of faith that you have taken, knowing a life with Jesus is a life of continual growth. It’s a life of next steps.

Sometimes we change in a moment, but often it takes time. Be patient, trusting in God’s perfect timing and provision.


Now that you’ve been baptized, what questions you have? Reach out anytime!

Day 2 >

*Article courtesy of the incredible, Kingdom-minded generosity of NewSpring Church. Copyright 2021 NewSpring Church.


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